They say that only the ignorant assume they know everything and the ones who are brilliant understand how little they really know.
The more you learn about a certain subject you begin to realize just how complex things are and wonder how many different threads of it you’re missing. With that said, it is scary how much of the world we don’t understand.
Reading Mark Manson’s experience in India blew my mind and scared me just as much. It made me realize what I actually know about the world is miniscule. I know just about nothing. Not even .00001% of what there is to know. It’s common knowledge that it’s bad out there, but to what extent is the picture painted in our minds? It’s bad.
Mark visualized the dirtiness of it all and made it real. Trash everywhere, scenes of impoverished people missing limbs stretching out for miles and miles. Children roaming the streets begging.
What clicked most with me was the hopelessness of the lone individual who is powerless to make a permanent difference in the lives of an entire society. How do you treat the disease? I have no idea.
A lot of people look to me as if I’m a teacher with all the answers to life. I know very little and I have a limited influence in the grand scheme of things.
As much as I try to help individuals I’m aware that my ability to help others fall under a very specific demographic: people who have access to internet, can read, and has the right amount of financial comfort to be able to not worry about survival every day. These people can afford to work on bettering themselves. But what about everyone else who doesn’t fall under that group of people?
My observations and the way I think were influenced based off the environment I grew up in and the experiences I’ve gone through. Beyond that, do I really know what it means to be living in India where you can see people missing limbs for miles and miles?
I’ve never even been outside of the United States.
California, Arizona, Nevada, and Maryland are the only four states I’ve ever visited. Hell, how much of California have I seen? I was born and raised here yet I’ve never been to Northern California.
Someone from Switzerland had emailed me this week to say hi, ask for advice, and exchange personal stories. I didn’t know too much about Switzerland so naturally I had begun to ask her about the cultural differences she saw between where she lived and what she’d experience in the U.S. (she spent a year over here as an exchange student.)
Did you know not everyone has to go to high school in Switzerland? Also, painting (not artists, houses and the like) is well respected over there and actually leads to a decent amount of money. She even mentions that people attending college actually fall under a minority.
How insane is that? We have the complete opposite of that, yet I just assumed all of our societal expectations were normal and universal. What does normal even mean at this point?
As a whole, it’s easy for us to accept our truths as absolute that apply to every culture, country, and individual. We’re the ones that are right and they’re the crazy, backward ones. We live in our own bubble with facts presented as a universal reality even though they may not apply to the rest of the world.
We actually know very little. After all, it’s nearly impossible to gain perspective if you follow life’s “natural” course.
These things I’ve learned over the past week led me to reflect on a conversation I had with a close friend of mine several months ago. His professor at UC Berkeley was teaching a class that seemed to have opened a lot of students’ eyes.
“I’m so disillusioned!” cried out one person who had his reality shattered by new knowledge.
The professor asked half sarcastically, “Would you rather be illusioned?”
That’s a profound question. Knowing more than I had known just last week, am I better off? I’m a tad disillusioned now. Should I be… Glad?
I’m now a bit more culturally aware even though the amount of knowledge I’ve learned is just a droplet in the vast ocean of what’s out there. However, I feel powerless. I’ve never stepped onto the lands of India yet I feel like I could somehow help them. But realistically, I know I can’t.
I could donate as much as I can into organizations that I hope will go into deserving places but I’d still feel like I wouldn’t make an impact. There’s still going to be so much out there outside of my control. You’re only masking the symptoms temporarily, but what about the disease?
Knowing there are opportunities out there that some may never see simply because of where they live or who they were born to is maddening. These are the things that drive people to aspire to become someone with influence. Maybe then can we make something everlasting.
It’s a bit selfish to think this way but we can use this knowledge as fuel for our self-motivation.
We all have these moments where we wish we could be a superhero.
Somehow we’d be able to save the world from its struggles. So then some of us do our best by occasionally donating to charities. Others will volunteer when it’s convenient for them.
These feelings of “I want to save the world” are usually temporary before fading away from the distractions of our own daily lives. There are people who are motivated for life but that’s a minority.
I’m trying to do my part by helping people who are at specific points in their lives but I wonder how many people could have used my advice if they were in slightly better economic situations. Learning how to be confident, charismatic, or being charitable doesn’t apply to the beggar on the streets of India. Knowing how to give a first impression does nothing for the poor man who has an infection that is slowly killing him as each day passes.
Sometimes I wonder if it’s better to avoid becoming disillusioned. Is ignorance bliss? I’m fully aware that the voice of the majority will answer in unison that is better to at least know these issues exist.
I’m asking you on a philosophical level. Is it better to be illusioned towards things you know you will absolutely have 0.00000000% of an influence on? Do you want to be disillusioned so much that you’re driven to depression? Of course not. Finding the healthy balance is the challenge.
Why do we scour the internet for stories of tragedy?
Some do it to appear sympathetic and even “educated” to their peers. Is it so that we are able to reward ourselves with a pat on the back, “I’m a good person” speech, and then finally a night of Netflix to congratulate ourselves on a job well done?
Never assume you know too much about anything because your reality can be shattered very easily. We know very little about what it truly means to walk in the shoes of those who live unfathomably different lives.
What can we do instead?
Help the individual. You don’t have to throw all your savings into multiple charities and hope that you made a difference. I’m not saying don’t donate, but you can instead help those you run into on a daily basis. Your close friend, your acquaintance that you kind of know but don’t really; even the stranger that shoots you a glance as you pass each other could use your help.
If someone’s going through an existential crisis and is looking for answers be there to listen to them. Sometimes it’s best to just listen. That’s all it takes. Don’t offer advice unless they really are open to hearing it. We just need to vent our frustrations and sometimes it gets lonely.
Maybe set someone slightly younger you aside and tell them all the things you wish you knew when you were younger. If you’re tactful enough, they won’t think you’re crazy. Maybe, just maybe, something will stick and you would have made all the difference in their lives.
Get outside of your bubble of influence. This may seem wrong of me to say considering the fact that I haven’t even been outside of the U.S. yet but if you can, travel. See the world and realize there is so much more out there. I want to see the scenes that Mark Manson describes of India. I know it will depress me, but I want it to slap me in the face. I want to use it as fuel for self-motivation.
Sometimes I forget how little I know and I get into a condescending “know-it-all” attitude. I used to be in that mode all day and every day. These past few years have opened up my eyes on a micro and macro level. Talk to people who have different ideas and opinions so you can always be expanding your mind.
Stop reading 24/7 about things outside of your control. Don’t be hungry for pitying others. It does nothing for you nor does it influence what’s going on.
Learn enough to be aware but don’t depress yourself. That’s wasted energy you can go into helping the individuals of the world.
Don’t waste your life. Enjoy your hobbies and “me time,” but don’t sit on your ass and read Reddit all day long. I know the feeling because I used to be like that. I’d either be playing video games or reading stories on Reddit. They’re great on occasion but if you ever have regrets and ask yourself what you should be doing instead, find an answer to that question.
Now I’m trying my best to make a difference in this world, one individual at a time. It’s working and it’s paying off in more ways than I had ever expected. I’m glad every time I get a personal email from my readers who ask me to help them with a specific problem in their life. It reminds me that I’m making a difference and I’d never call that wasting a life.
Always question what you know to be reality. Don’t make the same mistake I had for years. Don’t assume you know everything. Stop thinking you’re above everyone else. You know very little.
Then ask yourself one thing: would you rather be illusioned or disillusioned?
Vincent, this is the first time I have read anything by you. I think you must be brilliant to have such an understanding.
Thank you, Don. I really hope you decide to stop by again.
I don’t think your post is cynical at all.
A few years ago I decided to go on a News Diet. I was sick of reading about world events that I couldn’t change, that were completely beyond my control, and I instead wanted to fill my time up with stuff that I could make a difference with. That included taking the time to read and understand different people, countries, cultures, and events.
Like you said, the world is just too big. Nobody on the planet knows more than a minuscule fraction of what’s going on in the world at any moment. There’s just too many people, events, and too much information to understand it all.
But I think perspective adds meaning to your own life and to how you interpret the lives of the people around you. Anything you can do to gain perspective, whether it be through reading, volunteering, traveling, meeting new people, or stepping outside your comfort zone in any other way, is a step worth taking. Helping individuals and getting outside your influence bubble are two other awesome ways!
A really quick personal example – a few years ago I signed up to be a big brother to a child at an oncology camp. I had no idea what kind of perspective that would being, and after the week-long camp I not only saw the world through my own eyes, but also through the eyes of the 50 kids at the camp. I don’t think it’s possible to understate how that perspective changed me. I hope it’s not spammy to share a link that has everything I learned from the camp – it really applies here 🙂 http://ayearofproductivity.com/productivity-four-day-oncology-camp/
Woah, sorry for the essay! Got a bit carried away 😉
Perspective is everything. We would all stagnate if we didn’t gain new perspectives along the way of our life. News diets are good and it’s something I’d recommend everyone try at least once. We rarely ever see the good things that happen be covered on media. We’re worrying about the economy, then gas prices, then what someone did wrong last Tuesday which caused this and that to happen.
That’s the sort of stuff that sells and gets attention so it makes sense why that’s all we hear, but damn is it poison.
Perspective has been a central theme in my life. There are a lot of complex threads people don’t notice right in front of them! And it’s always been difficult expressing my complexities, so I’ve always advocated for differences and the not so universal. I’m glad your response to not being a literal superhero was to find incentive to help those immediately around you. If I can be ignorant of the suffering in the world, I am probably also unaware of the vast suffering next to me. That’s powerful. I also like your point that some people use the world’s tragedies mostly to show off how much they know, which is even more ironic because not only are we not helping, that means we’re using their problems to improve our self-image. I say “we” to remember that this was me, and I must be conscious to continue to avoid this kind of cynicism.
I wanted to also respond to the idea of “depressing” yourself as counterproductive. I agree. I actually don’t get drained easily by the news, and I enjoy the exercise, but I know it drains my friends, so I tone it down. But one day I read about an LGBT protest in Russia where anti-LGBT protestors turned physically violent against LGBT persons and supporters. It tore me apart. I felt for them because I am of the LGBT community. It could have depressed me, but it just reminded me that this level of violence and fear happens. Strength is that many times more necessarily and difficult to sustain. I’m spoiled and grateful for living in liberal Southern CA, yet I also felt empowered. If they can stay strong and help each other despite so much discouragement and violence, I have less excuse to underestimate what I can do here with how much more that I have.
Thanks for adding in your thoughts, Tisha. A lot of those things were fragments of who I used to be too. You know, it’s sort of like the kid in elementary that everyone thinks is so cool when he knows neat facts. “Did you know every minute in Africa…” It does nothing but boost the ego while simultaneously accomplishing nothing. It’s the equivalent of Liking “causes” on Facebook so your friends can see you liked it but you don’t do any further investigation or take any action whatsoever.
I’ve cut out the news too, Chris…you have to get away from the 24 hour news cycle!
The last time I saw down to watch the news I was trapped waiting for my car to get fixed. I don’t remember what was on exactly but it was very… Unimportant stuff that I couldn’t really imagine anyone sitting down to focus on. I know there’s slow news days and all but damn, there’s a lot of important stuff they can cover that are of recent developments. The whole NSA leaks come to mind.
This is a powerful piece of work man. Quite possibly the best thing I’ve ever read on here.
It wasn’t cynical – it was just raw and honest to it’s core.
I also read that post by Mark and it’s incredibly eye opening. Our problems are so miniscule when compared to the troubles of the world around us. But like you said, there is nothing we can do to help the whole world – we can just help the individual.
Since we’re giving advice week after week it can always feel a little disheartening when we realize how little of this world we truly have experienced. But if anything, it provides fuel to go out and experience as much as possible. Even if it just starts out with volunteering at a homeless shelter or visiting Northern California.
The world is waiting and the more we learn, the more we can help individuals.
Beautiful writing man.
Thanks, Kevin. Mark’s piece makes me want to travel even more than I already did. I had a casual interest and curiosity but now the feeling is much different.
We’re lucky. We fall under the demographic I mentioned earlier in the article. Life can be miserable and depressing but it doesn’t have to be. Or at least not for us.
Vincent – LOVE this post. Seriously. Love it.
Here’s my 2 cents:
We can (and sometimes do) get caught up in the misery of the world and how little we actually can do to change it.
Your post also makes me think about my work as a therapist and how the meaning of anything the therapist did would be interpreted by the client (sometimes good, sometimes bad, but never neutral) thus the need for the “blank slate” therapist. My point here is that even though we *try* to help, sometimes our help is unhelpful, especially in the context that we really know almost nothing, as you said.
So, given that you can’t change things, and even if you could your changes may or may not be helpful, I’ve come to my own solution:
Do what YOU love. This is my credo. Because my personal take on it is that we’re all here to give back in the way that feels right and most passionate to each of us. And in that way we’re doing our part. We’re giving what we can to the world, and that gift is what some people need. Those who need what you have to offer will be drawn to you in perfect alignment. And when that alignment occurs, you’re doing the MOST you can possibly do to make the world a better place.
How beautiful is that, that what you love to do is exactly what you should be doing to make things better?
As long as you’re giving your gift, you can say goodbye to the guilt and the pain, because you are doing just what you should be.
I agree you can definitely make giving back your passion or maybe if you’re lucky whatever your passion is ends up helping others. It’s a very optimistic point of view but the realist in me also knows that sometimes it just doesn’t feel like enough. I personally think we do have to delude ourselves just a bit. Think that we’re doing enough even though we sort of know there’s never going to be enough. The thought that will keep you sane is knowing you’re doing as much as you possibly can as a human being.
Love the transparency, Vincent. I would say my world was turned upside down when I traveled to Thailand back in 2006. And I’m not just talking westernized Bangkok. I mean I went into the back country where roads are made of dirt and people live inside of “houses” made of wood scraps, dirt floors, and tin roofs. Honestly, I think we all need to experience the world from this perspective at some point in our life if for no other reason than to see how blessed we are in America and to change our attitude about what matters.
In terms of following “news” (and I use that term loosely), I have stopped watching TV news all together, and I keep track of events through scanning the headlines online and reading magazines. This is enough to keep me up-to-date on major world events without too much of my mind being engaged in things I can’t control. Instead, most of my time is focused on the impact I can have right where I’m at and mainly within individual relationships.
We all reach a point where we are on information overload, which is probably different for each person. When I reach this point, I recognize that I’m spending too much time consuming information and not enough time creating and building relationships.
Yup, the trap is feeling like we’re knowledgeable by reading but what good is it until you actually do something. Not all sources of information are 100% factual or unbiased anyway so worrying about something may be futile if the information isn’t accurate. There’s always so many sides to a story.
The information diet is needed sometimes, but as a majority it’s overlooked. You sound like you got it right though, Chris.
Fantastic article!! You are brave soul to be so honest and vulnerable for all the world to see. We need more people like you – putting themselves out there, no holds barred:). I believe that ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance leads to misunderstandings. Which in turn can lead to fear, racism, war, arguments, disconnection, etc. I would like to share with you, that I also used to be a know it all. Now, nearing 40 years of age, I realize I know less and less, as I age. In my spiritual journey, as I’ve become more open minded, I’ve realized how much I have to learn. Thank you for shiny your light! Cheers:) Magda
Thank you, Magda. I wasn’t always very open (still am closed to some extent,) but I’m much better with it now. What keeps me motivated to be open is the knowledge that some words, experiences, or whatever else may click with an individual and change their perception. That makes it all the worthwhile.
Also, thanks for sharing your input on the argument between ignorance vs non-ignorance. 🙂
There is no reason for me to know about suffering unless I am or plan to be in a position to do anything about it. The local news is worthless. I think people watch it for the shock value. “Oh, that’s terrible! Another murder.”
I feel for the people who are suffering, but it doesn’t do me any good to hear the details. How many people “spread awareness” from their couch? What does it ever accomplish?
The people who need to know about these things are the people in government or in organizations with the resources to really help them. And I’m sure they already know. The people can influence/vote for them, but somehow it instead turns into this guilt-ridden thing of spreading the word that others are suffering, with no meaningful results.
Well, human suffering has been going on consistently for a very long time. It’s horrible, but knowing about it will only help if you’re in a position to help.
You know, there’d be a wave of critics and a lot of pitchforks raised but I know exactly what you’re saying. I agree with a lot of it too actually. Ignorance can lead to a lot of horror (like Magda pointed out) but it really doesn’t have to. The ones who have the power to impact and lead to things such as war are the people who need to be on top of these things. For us, as individuals, we don’t need to depress ourselves to things outside of our control, do we?
I’m still struggling with balancing what I know and what I don’t want to know, but I know for sure siding towards any extreme will be detrimental to you and you only.
An argument that can be raised from the other side is that exposing yourself to these things can motivate you to step up to a position of power, where you are then able to make a difference. How many people are that sort of person though?
Some good thoughts there Vincent. I think that the people who are naturally inclined to help and put themselves in the position to help will find out. I just don’t see the benefit (for anyone) for an individual to feel bad or guilty about the horrible things that happen in the world. It’s selfishness on one level, but it’s also sanity.
I don’t care who you are if you see some of these horrors that happen every day – your mind could “break” with PTSD, and then you’d need help more than you could help others. It takes a special person to be able to deal with these things, and it’s ok not to be one of them.
The question I have is…at what point are the details enough? We all know bad things happen – do we all need to see these things in person? Do we need to know specific horrible things, as if it only matters when it’s REALLY disturbing?
I don’t have a point. I’m just thinking out loud, haha. It’s a very thought-provoking topic.
This is a tough subject and my personal opinion is that a fair balance between ignorance and knowing just enough must be met. I doubt that anyone really has that perfect balance, but the line is so thin it’s difficult not to swing towards either side.
Where lies the point in which details are enough? I have no idea.
Hey Vincent – it wasn’t cynical in the slightest :). It was more of a “face the facts” moment. I personally liked it and I think its good that people realize this, as it gives them the opportunity to change views or further cement there’s. In a way this relates to my post about “Rock Bottom” – it makes you face hard realities.
That’s good to know, Chris. Whew! By the way, I’d really recommend Mark Manson’s other articles on culture. They’re very “face the facts.”
Enlightening, humbling. Makes me feel that the more I know, the more I don’t know. Indeed, no one has the right to act as if he knows everything. Thanks, Vince!
No problem, Raymund. I’m glad you walked away with something to think about. 🙂
It’s like that old saying – the more you know the more you realise you don’t know.
Although I’ve only visited a few countries outside of the UK I do have a lot of foreign friends so I kinda know a lot about the world (as much as one can) through their experiences, words and the way they act.
I think it’s good to immerse ourselves in situations that are alien to us, regardless of what they may be. To grow as a person you need to be pushed both mentally and physically.
Yes you’ll be exposed to situations and information that may challenge your views but it can only be a good thing in the long run.
Challenging your views on occasion is a necessity if you don’t want to become close-minded and jaded. Thanks for sharing, Jamie.
Hi Vincent,
Like your other readers, I don’t think this is a cynical post at all. I think it’s important to recognise the limitations of the viewfinders through which we tend to see the world and to recognise that our ‘reality’ isn’t necessarily how other people see and experience life.
I do think we need to be willing to challenge our preconceived ideas and prejudices, which are often so ingrained we don’t realise they’re simply conditioned responses and nothing to do with ‘reality’ at all.
As for what we can or should individually ‘do’ about all the suffering in the world – well, that’s a tough one that we each have to figure out for ourselves. I think the best place to start is in small ways, appreciating and making the most of what we have and being a source of joy and inspiration to those around us. Getting depressed about the state of the world is completely counter-productive and helps no-one. 24 hour rolling news is very bad for our mental health, in my view – I try to ration myself these days 😉
Thanks for a very thoughtful post, Vincent,
Great thoughts, Sue. By the way, looks like your avatar works now (your second comment.)
Hi Vincent – still can’t get my avatar to show on your site – I’m just going to try signing in another way. I’ve been signing in with my Twitter account, which has a photo attached that shows before I click ‘post comment’, but then it disappears! I’m going to try posting this just by entering my details rather than using Twitter and see if it works 🙂
Vincent, I really like this post. Especially this:
“Get outside of your bubble of influence.” So true. We spend so much time worrying about things that are out of our control. We get this celebrity (or worse, GOD) complex and somehow make it all about us. It’s not. And we’ve been given this moment and every moment to make a difference.
Hope you’re well!
Remembering the world doesn’t revolve around us is difficult but it’s very liberating once you can get out of that mindset.
Hi Vincent,
I don’t think your post is cynical either. I think it’s your truth – expressed authentically and beautifully.
I can relate to the frustration of wanting to help people – knowing you can’t. Even if you had access to everyone on the planet – you would still come across those who can’t be helped. Sometimes, we need to experience deep levels of pain to give rise to the desire for awareness. I know I certainly did – and while I see my past as painful, and couldn’t have been saved or helped at the time until I desired it strongly enough to seek it out for myself… I wouldn’t change a thing because it led me to be the person I am today.
I have found that being our own hero is the most effective way to make a positive difference in the world. We hold a space for those who, when they’re ready, have someone who is in a position to offer them what they need.
Inspiring post 🙂
Thanks, Dana and your comment was very inspiring as well. 🙂
New reader here. I came across your site from James Altucher’s blog (I think).
I guess a reason some people feel disillusioned is because some things don’t occur the way they expect. If they come across something unexpected, especially bad, they’re also unprepared to accept or deal with it.
Personally, I expect the worst and hope for the best. If I read something sad or negatively outrageous, I sorta remind myself that some things can be worse than what I first thought. If I read something good, then…it’s great.
Something along those lines. All in all, it’s really a point of view.
Thanks for writing this, anyway. If anything, it gives someone some thing/s to think about. 🙂
Hey, David. Welcome to Self Stairway and I’m glad you found your way here.
The unexpected factor of it is definitely the worst because it’s your mirror shattering and then you begin to question what else you’re wrong about. Expecting the worst and hoping for the best is a good daily strategy. Sounds like something James himself would advocate. 🙂
Hello, Vincent!
I think that to change the world we need to do something in our own community. Literally, helping our sons/ daughters, parents, friends… begin very small.
When I realized that I could not go to places where people need help or to donate a great amount of money for charity, it just came to myself that I can do something for my dear ones. At first moment, I felt selfish as they already have much, I already have much. Then I understood that we can do great things one by one and then, any kindness, any goodness will spread on it own… It’s something like a wave. Have you ever felt it?
So, what we know can still help someone. It does not matter what we don’t know as we always can learn, adapt, develop, evolve, right? It’s just the matter to be humble and consciously do things in which we can perfect ourselves, to be able to help others.
I have definitely felt it, Lola! That’s exactly helping those who you can and it falls under the things you can control, so why not?
Starting small sometimes does lead to bigger things, not always, but it does sometimes. You never know who you inspire on your way. Maybe the one you helped will go on to do something greater than us all. 🙂
Get outside your bubble of influence struck me most. There are so many amazing people doing so many amazing things. And if we stay in our bubble of influence, we would never know that. The universe expands and contracts to our level of consciousness.The more aware you become, the more bubbles of influence you experience and the more full your life feels.
When it all comes down to it, we are here to experience, joy, peace, love and connection. That can be best achieved by helping ourselves (being the hero in our lives) and helping each other. 🙂
Well said, Lisa! Finding more bubbles of influence is the hard part though!
What a great post! I really like your honesty. What’s the point of chasing down more facts? Of knowing more? You’re not better than someone because you know some fact that they don’t. Even when we do learn some new piece of knowledge, what do we do with it? Likely nothing. Tell our friends how sad we are that the people of wherever are suffering, but do nothing?
Anyways, thank you for posting such a thoughtful post.
You’re welcome, Alissa and thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Vincent – I think this is one of your best posts…well done! I love the perspective of you friend from Switzerland when it come to college. If only we were a bit more like that here in the USA! Maybe we’d have less student debt and happier workers.
Thanks, Tom! She sent me some more precise statistics. She looked up the stats from the Swiss gov’t statistics website:
“In 2011 20% of people got a high school diploma and 15% a university degree (compared to all people of the same age).”
We seem to have a similar outlook on things, and I was actually planning on maybe starting a similar blog, although after having seen and read some of this one… I rather dread the competition to say the least! The one key difference is that I was disillusioned at an early age…
I have a character flaw of taking everything incredibly seriously. And somehow this lead to me questioning all of reality when I was seriously betrayed for the first time… I never went back. (Although it can be easy to get lost in the apathy of feigned ignorance.)
I’m always a bit confused as to how I’m going to make a difference, but it’s something I have always felt a calling for, so maybe the medium doesn’t matter, or then again maybe it’s essential. Thanks for the inspirational post, and sorry for the wall-of-text reply.
Dude, I totally encourage you to start one! There’s no feeling like taking the dive and starting something of your own (and keeping it.)
If you feel drawn to it then you’ve got to do it. Even if you don’t reach 1,000,000 people, imagine if just ONE individual clicks with your writing and changes his/her life because of it.
Very good Vincent! I really enjoyed reading your article, you pointed out many things about our lives on what we think we see. I do believe that some how we are in some type of trance. Vince have you ever been to the desert? When you are in the desert all you do is think, there are no signs that tell you when to go, no letters that tell you what to think. The desert brings you back to earth. Thanks again for sharing your know how!