My business is getting to a point where it doesn’t make sense to be doing everything myself.
Chris Ducker would call my desire to wear all the hats in my business and the constant scramble to do every task on my own the “Superhero Syndrome”.
The superhero entrepreneur thinks he has to do it all himself because if he doesn’t do it and relies on someone else, a new hire for example, it won’t be done right.
So he resolves to tackling every piece of the business with no aid.
Build a team, however, and suddenly tasks can be delegated and spread across all levels. New clients can come in without an issue and new hires can be brought on to handle any excess load.
Hiring is the key to scale.
It’s something I’m just starting to tackle now but it’s scary because it requires more than just “picking the right applicant”.
It forces you to trust others and let go.
You’re responsible for training the other person so they’re able to do what you and your clients expect of them.
You could hire the best and most competent person in the world but if you’re not a good manager then things will end badly.
As much as it is about trusting others, it’s also about trusting myself. Am I ready to accept the responsibility of getting someone up to speed and managing proper expectations?
I recently summoned enough courage to make the leap and I have to say, my first hire has been doing an absolutely amazing job. She’s already exceeding my own abilities in a few of the areas that I now rely on her for.
I trusted her and things are better than they ever were before.
This doesn’t just apply to business. This bleeds into outside life as well.
I trust my friends to give me brutally honest feedback when I need it and I expect them to call me out on my bullshit. It’s how I accelerate my learning and my personal growth.
In fact, while writing this article, I turned over to my friend and asked for his feedback and he made this article significantly better with his critiques.
Trusting others is how I even started my business in the first place. Ideas and improvements all came from conversations I’ve had with my friends where I listened and decided to implement what they were telling me.
You can’t tackle the world on your own, nor can you expect to be able to accomplish everything as an expert. At some point, you’re going to need help.
You’re going to need to listen and execute.
So start listening and actively looking for advice. You’ll be surprised with just how much further you can get when you’re not carrying the weight alone.
Hi Vincent,
I am a new blogger so I am not yet about to hire someone to take care of things for me but I find it hard to trust on people sometimes. I think it is because of my past experinces but I know I should be learning to let go of the past and focus on the present.
On the other hand though, I trust my friends (and a very few of them) to give my brutally honest feedback and I find their criticism as constructive. I know I have their backs whatever happened.
Thanks for the insightful post.
And I will keep coming back for more.
Oh, I’d definitely recommend you run the blog yourself and not hire anyone until you really need it. I hired for my business not for Self Stairway. 🙂
Great point. From my own experience it really gets tough when you have to have a face to face when an employee has a problem and is in denial. Or, even more difficult when you have to part ways. But as you get savvy with hiring that won’t happen often.
It’s all about management, right? 🙂
So right.
Good post, Vincent!
I especially like the point you made about actively looking for advice and feedback. I think getting feedback as often as possible, and actually listening and adapting to that feedback, is the fastest way to improve.
I don’t think I’m quite at the point where I need to hire anyone to help me with my site, but I think I’m getting close and I know I’m going to have a hard time doing it. I’ll be sure to reference this article when the time comes.
Nice! I’m actually talking about my business Growth Ninja when it came to hiring (not Self Stairway), but bringing on someone to help with your site means you’re crushing it!
“You could hire the best and most competent person in the world but if you’re not a good manager then things will end badly.”
I’m changing jobs. I’ll be managing a team for the first time. Now my apprehension have just increased 😉
I hope to learn something about managing and apply it in my own business.
It shouldn’t make you more apprehensive! In fact, it’s like telling you where to focus your efforts so you can 80/20 the hell out of things. 🙂